Topic 3

Enabling Earth Observation

The challenge for EO providers is to understand ‘on the ground’ use cases that insurers and re-insurers need to address today, especially with the ongoing climate risk scenarios that are unfolding today. There is no effective ‘bridge’ between the space engineers designing cool satellite and sensor technology and the needs of the insurance companies tackling daily losses through natural peril. 

UiSee enables insurers to translate their needs to EO technology providers by assisting insurers with their business case justification and use case requirements. This ensures that both parties understand each other’s challenges and opportunities. 

EO providers are pressed to pivot directly into defence because the financial proposition is stronger than insurance - the more lucrative margins help offset the capital investment. This is not to say that insurance can’t be a strong market for EO. It’s more a matter of truly understanding the ROI and developing product variables in advance of constellation readiness by defining products that are properly thought through and curated for insurers.

At UiSee we are in discussions with many of the EO providers as part of the important process to translate use case into product roadmap & product delivery requirements. We are also helping EO providers with early adoption programmes or reserves that encourage the insurance industry to be part of the technology shift in space.


Climate Change Resilience

